Lisadiana Bates

Bloom614 has brought together resources to help build generations!

Phone Number

Email Address

Organization Name

Fathom Realty OH, LLC

Organization Address
1900 Polaris Parkway Suite 450 Columbus, OH, 43240

Years of Experience
2 years

What makes your Real Estate Services unique?
I am dedicated to coming along side you and your family in making homeownership simple, from start to finish.

What are the price ranges of homes you work with?
I work with homes of all price ranges, including those less than $200,000 and over $300,000.

What geographies, populations, or housing styles do you specialize in?

Central Ohio.

What downpayment savings do you work with?
I serve all clients, including those who have under 3% in downpayment savings.

What credit scores do you work with?
I work with clients with a variety of credit scores, from 580 and above

Are you a buyer’s agent or seller’s agent?
I am both a buyer’s and seller’s agent.

Apart from English, do you have any other language or cultural competencies?
I have successfully worked with families from various cultures.

Have you worked with clients who have Housing Choice Vouchers?