Build My Team.

Buying a home takes a team of professionals all working to serve your goals. The following organizations are committed to helping Black and minority residents of Central Ohio achieve homeownership. Search the database to build your network now.

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Learn what professionals can do for you and view a list of local practitioners that agreed to honor Bloom's mission, received education on the history of discrimination in the housing market, and are working towards systemic solutions to increase Black and minority wealth.

Housing Counselor

Housing Counselor

Housing Coaches and Counselors are professional advisors that work with their clients to boost credit, access homeownership grants, and navigate the homebuying process. They are certified by the U.S. Dpt. of Housing & Urban Development.

Real Estate Agent

Real Estate Agent

Real Estate Agents help their clients buy or sell homes. They can help you find homes that match your needs, help you develop a purchase offer, and support you during negotiations. They are licensed by the Ohio Dpt. of Commerce.

Mortgage Lender

Mortgage Lender

A lender or broker will qualify you for a mortgage, explain different borrowing options that they offer, and provide you the financing to buy your home. Lenders are regulated by the federal government, including the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

Support provider

Support Provider

Nonprofits, government agencies, employers, and other groups provide homebuyers with grants, tax credits, and other financial assistance needed to achieve homeownership. They are generally managed by state agencies like the Housing Finance Agency or registered through the Secretary of State.

Coaches & Counselors

English, Spanish


Homeport provides high-quality, evidenced-based, HUD-certified Housing Advisory Services (HAS) Program to educate and counsel low- and moderate-income individuals and families in managing finances, building wealth and purchasing a first home. HAS includes multiple educational services, including Financial Fitness, Credit/Budget Counseling and Financial Coaching. Financial Fitness is a free six-hour workshop that teaches the skills needed to create a balanced budget, set achievable financial goals and establish wise spending plans. Credit/Budget Counseling consists of individual counseling sessions with a Housing Advisor to develop and follow an action plan for healthy financial behavior. Financial Coaching allows for consistent follow-up sessions, to ensure action plans are completed and milestones are being achieved.

Other HAS program activities include Home Readiness, Homebuyer Education courses and certifications and individualized Homebuyer counseling. Home Readiness is a pre-Homebuyer Education (HBE), no-cost, one-hour screening workshop designed for Homeport’s Housing Advisors to determine participant readiness for home purchase. Homebuyer Education (HBE) courses, with Certification, are 8+ hour workshops designed to teach clients the process of purchasing their first homes. Individual Homebuyer Counseling are individualized sessions with qualified and certified staff members to take the prospective buyer through their unique steps of home purchase.

As more people are seeking information and advice online, Homeport Housing Advisors created a video series called ‘Money Talks.’ This bi-monthly series provides vital financial information on a variety of relevant topics, including Money Management, Credit and Foreclosure Prevention. Three-minute videos provide actionable steps and resources for moving forward.

Homeownership Counseling;Homeownership Education Workshops;Financial Management/Budget Counseling;Financial Management/Budget Workshops;Non-Delinquency Post-Purchase Counseling;Foreclosure Prevention Counseling;HECM/Reverse Mortgage Counseling;

Phone: 614-221-8889
Address: 3443 Agler Rd., Columbus, Ohio

Tags: Budget Counseling, Financial Management, Foreclosure Prevention Counseling, HECM/Reverse Mortgage Counseling, Homeownership Counseling, Homeownership Education Workshops, Non-Delinquency Post-Purchase Counseling
The Ohio State University


OSU Extension Franklin County

We offer easy to understand training on the process of home ownership, money management, budget and credit counseling.

Home Buyer Education participants will learn how to obtain, maintain and retain a home of their own! If your credit score is 640 or greater and one of the following apply to you, we recommend registering for the FREE Home Buyer Education Workshop.

Money Management participants will learn to set SMART financial goals, create a budget, improve credit and reduce debt. They will also learn about savings, investment, and borrowing options!

OSU Extension is a leader in community development education and an unbiased partner in building and implementing strategies to achieve goals. We enhance the well-being of communities and neighborhoods through interactive and collaborative partnerships with residents, local businesses and organizations, community leaders, and elected officials.

To register in Zoom, visit: or

Phone: 614-297-3861 (Email or Website Communication Preferred)
Address: 2548 Carmack Rd, Columbus OH

Tags: Budget Counseling, Financial Management, Homeownership Counseling, Homeownership Education Workshops
Columbus Urban League

English, Samali, Spanish

The Columbus Urban League

The CUL is focused on helping those who live in poverty discover the tools and techniques that can transform their lives. By looking at all of the issues keeping families in poverty, instead of one at a time, the CUL is providing an array of holistic and personalized initiatives through a more empowering approach. Instead of managing cases, we are advocating and coaching in the areas of early education and after-school tutoring, workforce training and job placement, housing assistance, parenting support, anti-violence initiatives, and urban business cultivation.

Columbus Urban League (CUL) has established a reputation with the people of the community, property owners /landlords, and stakeholders as an ‘economic first responder’ capable of keeping people/families in our target groups in stable, safe housing.

Phone: 614-257-6300
Address: 788 Mt Vernon Ave, Columbus, OH

Tags: Budget Counseling, Financial Management, Foreclosure Prevention Counseling, Homeownership Counseling, Homeownership Education Workshops, Non-Delinquency Post-Purchase Counseling

English, Spanish

Homes on the Hill CDC

Homes on the Hill CDC (HOTH) is a nonprofit, HUD approved housing counseling agency and Community Housing Development Organization. The mission of HOTH is to strengthen neighborhoods by providing quality affordable housing, advocacy, education, and supportive services to primarily low-to-moderate income individuals and families.

For over 30 years HOTH has been building the foundation for economically stable families in the Hilltop neighborhood and throughout Franklin County. Today HOTH is at the forefront of creating affordable housing in Central Ohio by building new homes and rehabilitating vacant properties, and selling or renting them to low and moderate income families.

Phone: 614-275-4663
Address: 3659 Soldano Blvd, Columbus, OH 43228

Tags: Budget Counseling, Financial Management, Foreclosure Prevention Counseling, Homeownership Counseling, Homeownership Education Workshops, Non-Delinquency Post-Purchase Counseling

Check back soon for a list of real estate agents and home lenders that agreed to honor Bloom's mission, received education on the history of discrimination in the housing market, and are working towards systemic solutions to increase Black and minority wealth.

Until then, view our Real Estate Agent and Mortgage Lender vetting guides for help selecting a professional that is the best fit for your unique needs.

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Every day, new initiatives are launched to help close Central Ohio's homeownership gaps.
These programs can expand your purchasing power, lower your monthly payments, and get you on the path to homeownership faster. Whether it’s down payment incentives, closing cost payments, or special lending programs, be diligent about getting what is yours. This widget from Down Payment Resource can help you build your portfolio.