AnnieMac Home Mortgage

As a current board member for the Columbus Realtist Association and acting Membership Chairperson, I have always believed we need to grow homeownership for people in the black and minority communities which currently lag the national averages. I have devoted my career to helping first time homebuyers and minority homeowners to be able to purchase with minimal funds to close. I also teach the down payment assistance classes at several of the HUD certified providers here in Central Ohio.

Lender Names & Phone Numbers
Scott Voelkel 614-946-1706

Randy Sims 614-893-8898

Marlon Ramos 614-545-8469

Cathy Ortega 614-726-2706

Lender Email Address

Lender’s Years of Experience
23 Years

What makes your Lender Services unique?

AnnieMac is a National Lender with a local presence. We offer many over 35 down payment assistance programs nationally and strive to provide our clients options no matter what their home financing need may be.

What geographies, populations, or housing styles do you specialize in?
We represent all people but our forte is that we offer a program helping mortgaged buyers write offers as cash buyers to help them win home contracts.

What credit scores do you serve?

We serve clients with credit scores from 580 and above.

What downpayment savings do you work with?
We serve clients who have less 3% in savings, less than 20% in savings, and over 20% in savings

Do you offer loans that cater to borrowers with low-to-moderate income?

Apart from English, do you have any other language competencies?

Have you worked with clients who have Housing Choice vouchers?

Do you offer Special Purpose Credit Programs (SPCP)?

Is there anything else you would like me to know about you?
We offer a proprietary program, Cash2Keys, where we can help buyers get their offers accepted with the power of cash.