Karin Xander

Bloom614 is a path to help others to get their home. There is many people that do not have the information and help needed to be a home ownership. Furthermore minority communities believe they can not buy a house. Once they understand and been provided the information needed soon realize that is not a Dream it is True to be Home owner. Lets spread the word.

Phone Number

Email Address

Organization Name

Coldwell Banker Realty

Organization Address
8800 Lyra Dr. Suite 600. Columbus, Oh 43240

Years of Experience
2 years

What makes your Real Estate Services unique?
Coldwell Banker Realty is the number #1 ranking from all brokerage in Ohio. I have been working for them since day 1 and the support I have is tremendously. I am a bilingual Realtor (Spanish-English) able to help many clients in my community as well as other to get their dream home. Get information for my clients about grants and assistants program that were not aware and communication is a key for every transaction. Every home ownership if satisfied with their purchase of their home.

What are the price ranges of homes you work with?
I work with homes of all price ranges, including those less than $200,000 and over $300,000.

What geographies, populations, or housing styles do you specialize in?

I have a diversity of clients, housing style was 2 story homes. I have sold houses all around Columbus.

What downpayment savings do you work with?
I serve all clients, including those who have under 3% in downpayment savings and under 20% in savings.

What credit scores do you work with?
I work with clients with a variety of credit scores, from 580 and above

Are you a buyer’s agent or seller’s agent?
I am both a buyer’s and seller’s agent.

Apart from English, do you have any other language or cultural competencies?
Spanish. Every client no matter where they come from has rich culture to share and I love that.

Have you worked with clients who have Housing Choice Vouchers?

Is there anything else you would like me to know about you?

My name is Karin Xander and I am from Lima, Peru. Moved to the State in 2006. Have a lovely family with 3 kids that are my world and a husband that supported my work. I am a Dentist from Peru, went to school to obtain my license here but had some bumps on the route and instead I got my license to placed fillings in mouth and worked for 11 years in the Dental Field, then decided to retired and get my Realtor license. Being bilingual I was able to help many clients that were not aware of information needed as first home buyer. After they achieve their goal and see their satisfaction of ownership, their happiness made me happy. Love to help first home buyers.