Lori Crabtree

I believe the only way to meaningfully increase Black and minority homeownership is through a focused effort, pulling in all parts of the home buying community. That’s where Bloom614 comes in.

Phone Number

Email Address

Organization Name

Modern Ohio Realty

Organization Address
468 W. Town St., Columbus, OH 43215

Years of Experience
12+ years

What makes your Real Estate Services unique?
I am a licensed real estate agent who works with every type of buyer & seller to help them meet their goals regarding homeownership.

What are the price ranges of homes you work with?
I work with homes of all price ranges, including those less than $200,000 and over $300,000.

What geographies, populations, or housing styles do you specialize in?

I work all over Central Ohio & have sold everything from new builds to commercial properties to houses built in the 1800’s. My personal favorite kind of house is mid-century modern.

What downpayment savings do you work with?
I serve all clients, including those who have under 3% in downpayment savings.

What credit scores do you work with?
I work with clients with a variety of credit scores, from 580 and above

Are you a buyer’s agent or seller’s agent?
I am both a buyer’s and seller’s agent.

Apart from English, do you have any other language or cultural competencies?
No but I engage in the practice of meeting people where they are, and strive to honor who they are, and respect the culture that is important and essential to them.

Have you worked with clients who have Housing Choice Vouchers?

Is there anything else you would like me to know about you?

I believe that homeownership is powerful tool in creating personal and generational wealth, and also gives us a life with roots. Having a place to call home is the most basic of human needs.